it is the imternet standard protocol that provides a common layer over dissimilar naetworks, used to move packets among host computers and through gateways if necessary.
- used to move packets among host computer
- consist of 32 bits
- 4 octets of no. from 0-255
- represented in decimal form instead of binary form
- easy to remember the decimal no. rather than binary form
- consist of two parts ; identify network and identify nodes
- eg :
- binary address start with 0
- the decimal no can be anywhere from 1 to 126
- the first 8 bits identify the network
- the others bit indicate the host within the network
- exp : 102 . 168 . 212 . 226 ( first 8 bits is 102)
- binary addresses start with 10
- the decimal no can ne anywhere from 128 to 191
- the no 127 is reversed for loopback and is used for internal testing on the local mechine.
- exp : 168 . 212 . 226 . 204( 168.212 is to identifies the network)
- binary addresses start with 110
- the decimal no can be anywhere from 192 to 223
- the first 24 bits identify the network.
- exp : 200 . 168 . 212 . 226 ( 200.168.212 is first 24 bits)
- binary addresses start with 1110
- decimal no can be anywhere from 224 to 239
- it are used to support multicasting.
- binary no start with 1111
- decimal no can be anywhere from 240 to 255
- it are used for experimentation
- they neve been documated or utilized in a standard way.
- is an internet service
- translates domain names like into numerical IP addresses like
- it is the naming scheme which consist of a hierarchical sequence of names
- also called ISPs
- it is a company that provides access to the internet
- equipped with a modem
- ISPs themselves are connected to one another through NETWORK ACCESS POINTS
- hyper text transfer protocol
- defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions web servers and browser should take in response to various command.
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