What is a NETWORKS??
- it is a collection of connected intelligent computing devices.
- example of network is a connection between two computers by direct cabling.
- networking is the practice of linking two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data.
- networks are made up from mix of computer hardware & software.
- many type of networks exist,but the most common types of networks are :
- (LANs) Local-Area Networks
It is work as a c0vers relatively small g0egraphical such as in a h0me, sch0ol and 0ffice area. - (WANs) Wide-Area Networks
It consist 0f tw0 0r m0re LAN c0nnected t0gether using c0mmunicati0ns techn0l0gy internet is the largest WAN.
FM (Frequency M0dulati0n) radi0
- c0nvey inf0rmati0n 0ver a carrier wave by varying its instantane9us frequency.
- carry a stere0 signals
- used at ZHF radi0 frequencies f0r h9gh-firelity br0adcasts 0f music and speech
- frequency is varied, and phase m0dulati0n, in which the phase is varied.
AM (Amplittude M0dulati0n)
- technique used in electr0nic c0mmunicati0n, m0st c0mm0nly f0r transmitting inf0rmati0n v0a radi0 carrier wave.
- w0rks by varying the strength 0f the transmitted signals in relati0n t0 th inf0rmati0n being sent.
- f0r example, change in signal strength may be used t0 specific the s0unds t0 be repr0duced by a l0udspeaker, 0r the light intnsity 0f televisi0n pixels.
A Bridge does just what you would expect it to do - it joins two networks together so as far as data packets are concerned it looks like one large network
The network 'Hub' allows computers to share data packets within a network.
A switch has a number of ports and it stores the addresses of all devices that are directly or indirectly connected to it on each port.
As a data packet comes into the switch, its destination address is examined and a direct connection is made between the two machines.
It is a rather technical word. But it simply means an agreed method of doing something.
A 'NETWORK PROTOCOL' is the agreed method of communication to be used within the network.
Each device / computer will use this protocol.
A 'NETWORK PROTOCOL' is the agreed method of communication to be used within the network.
Each device / computer will use this protocol.
End Nodes
Within a vast computer network, the individual computers on the periphery of the network, those that do not also connect other networks, and those that often connect transiently to one or more clouds are called end nodes. Typically, within the cloud computing construct, the individual user / customer computer that connects into one well-managed cloud is called an end node. Since these computers are a part of the network yet unmanaged by the cloud's host, they present significant risks to the entire cloud. This is called the END Nodes Problem. There are several means to remedy this problem but all require instilling trust in the end node computer.
A gateway converts the data passing between dissimilar networks so that each side can communicate with each other. i.e converts data into the correct network protocol.
The gateway is a mixture of hardware components and software.
This is unlike a standard 'Bridge' which simply joins two networks together that share the same protocol.
A Router is a device that transfers data from one network to another in an intelligent way. It has the task of forwarding data packets to their destination by the most efficient route.
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